Monday, February 15, 2010

I hate whining.

I just turned in my completed and formatted first draft to my committee. My chair's had 2 rounds of everything, so this is a pretty solid draft all together. It's 9pm on a Monday night. I wish you were all here to celebrate, because right now, I just feel sad and lonely because I just completed this great big bad milestone and all Ada cares about is her rawhide and going out for her nightly pee. Tonight, I am reminded that I miss having a solid community around me. Tonight, I'm reminded why I didn't want to leave WV, and then later why I didn't want our 2nd year to end. I'm terrified for what happens next because if I'm not in school, I don't know how to have a community, and I'm so NOT okay NOT having a community. I hate whining. I hate whiners. I'm whining right now.

1 comment:

  1. So this is super belated, but I love you! I am officially the biggest blog-slacker that ever was.
