Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thesis... following Amie

My thesis breaks my heart. My whole objective is to (as best as the theories allow) objectively analyze the highly subjective ideas of art and young people to become more profitable so that we can in turn serve more young people with artistic experiences. My conclusions are not uplifting. I hate my thesis every other day. I'm excited and hopeful on the days I don't hate it. I'm angry with myself on the days I forget it exists for most of the day.

Like most TYA folks, I loved theatre first. The young people came later. I think my struggle with my thesis comes in large part because no matter how I've dressed myself up with education classes, teaching experience, and my love of the written word, I'm still a 'theatre' person. Meaning, in part, I'm a doer, and I expect to work tirelessly for a limited amount of time, like a few weeks, open the show, and close it. Done. Move on. Next project. Even higher education is much like the production schedule: get your syllabus, work at the content for a few months, produce a big project, and bye bye class. Never to be seen in the same incarnation again. The thesis is the class project that lingers on too long, the show that just keeps going long after you are over it. It's CATS. Just be done already.

I'm itching to do some theatre work. I'm longing for the feeling of a fresh start of a new semester. Sadly, I don't see any of that in my near future.

We are so fortunate to have one another for encouragement. The fact that we are ALL working regularly on our theses with all of the complications and difficulties the 3rd year has to offer makes us remarkable people with remarkable dedication to our studies and ultimately our field.

We are going to finish on time. All of us. OK? OK.


Saturday, January 9, 2010


I loved my thesis yesterday....I hate it today...I really hope I at least like it tomorrow...

I really really don't want to fail and be the only one of us who doesn't get this done...

love, amie